Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wes' 8th birthday party

Wes celebrated his 8th birthday on January 11th. He's opened up several packs of gum and that's why the HUGE smile!

Here is the light saber cake.

So we had 10 boys, outside (yes!), running around with light sabers and guns.

Wes wore his goggles part of the time. gotta love him!
We had a friend donate bales of hay for the boys to use.

I thought the funniest was James walking around with Chad's bike helmet on as a joke and none of the boys even said anything!

They wore themselves out!
Grandmama and Papa, these pictures are for you!

1 comment:

  1. Holli, We have been praying for you.Hope this post today means you are doing MUCH better. So fun to see the pictures of your family. Loved the birthday cake. Did you make it? Impressive!! Ashley is so adorable in her princess outfit. Love the blog!! Praying, Linda Hill
